
The Initiation Ceremony

hey everyone!

This is lovely - a big hug to yeenseen for the hardwork! To do your html efforts (something I remain extremely envious of) justice, I shall make a constructive post!

Remember the Initiation Ceremony for the J1s? Ms Kee asked us to plan a Snr-Jnr meeting, and your ever responsibility-shirking welfare rep shall attempt to make a proposal. In view of my nationality (the ever pragmatic Singaporean), I propose we make it an outdoor drawing session so we can do our Senior stuff and get some exciting drawing practice as well!

Date: Pending on the schedules of the various parties. Would be good if it could replace say, Monday's AEP lessons. Or we could take a whole Saturday.

Venue: Botanic Gardens - it's nearby (relative to school), and very conducive for picnics and other artyfarty stuff (and if our lessons are anything to show for it, this means eating and sleeping)

What we can do:
- Have a picnic! we can make this somewhat 'potluck', where snrs bring something (as a class) and juniors contribute something. Cheap version of STJ/JTS yah? Saving money is a very big part of AEP. Plus, food always facilitates the 'get to know each other' part of activities like this.

- Do our coursework research (for anyone that might potentially need flowers, grass, mosquitoes and more grass. And models.)
- Scheduled drawing sessions where everyone sits quietly and draws for a bit. Must look a bit more arty farty in the eyes of the public yah? (maybe the teachers could use this as a diagnostic test!)

- Play games. Frisbee is very good in the Botanic Gardens. This is where the Amazing , Awe-Inspiring Hwachong Frisbee Champion class played their maiden game. We might even kickstart an Aep Frisbee League. Or we could play other embarrassing ice breaking games. But of course, games are optional, seeing as to how we always manage to amuse ourselves somehow.

P.S. I love the links to EMB and IVLE! I can never remember the URLs. <3
Btw, are juniors given access to this blog too?

now, Comment!

ALSO: If you're free, head down to the National History Museum. Suzanne Victor's swinging chandeliers are there, and the really funky guy who draws on the floor (such that the drawings look 3D from an angle) has a work featured. The Maria Theresia exhibition's really good too, though not exactly Art.

3 Responses to “The Initiation Ceremony”

  1. # Blogger yeenseen

    hmm, drawing at the botanical gardens. I'm not so sure about it, from the last time i went there were just leaves and trees of the same colour. But I really wanna have the picnic, and hey, we can play catching..... there's this ultra cute chinese high junior we're going to have :)  

  2. # Blogger Dinaerdianinque

    Woooh, i'm the third one here then. Happy new year everyone. By the way I'm Xiangjun...  

  3. # Blogger rach

    i'm for the idea of going Botanic Gardens! i kinda think the girls won't mind, but the guys..=P
    anyway charm's suggestion(s) are just fine, in fact great! so, go for it!

    ps: yeenseen, is it possible to put up a tagbrd?  

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