
let's do something crazy, exciting, meaningful

(Housekeeping 1: Every group needs to send ms kee their presentation slides and notes asap. this refers to the Mrs Warhol Club, Suffering Artist etc etc.)

(Housekeeping 2: The Welfare rep would like to commend the C2 class on their initiative this term in keeping the food chain unbroken! )

The inaugural Sandwich Pageant held last Thursday, 19/4/07, was a moderate success, with the especially creative sandwiches from those who remembered almost making up for the meagre participation. Mr Tan's colossal Hawaiian BUILDING won Most Appealing, Pow's 9-layer sandwich the Most Supersized, and Yeenseen's peanut-butter-apricot-squash was voted Most Ugly. Special mention goes to Karweng's Chocolate Sandwich, with the sandwich that was Most In Line With Coursework, Siewching's Most Unhygenic, Shum's Most Home-made, with homegrown ingredients, Charm's Most Initially Unappealing (but very delicious) Grape Sandwich, and of course, not forgetting Jun Hua's Most Un-Sandwich chicken pie.

The person who benefitted most was probably KarWeng, who got Pow's sandwich in the Sandwich Exchange. Pow reported that Claire's sandwich was delicious, and everybody loved Charm's Grape Sandwich. Mr Tan's Hawaiian Sandwiches were demolished within seconds.

Everybody had a lot of fun, completely forgetting that lessons were at hand, and most of us ended up being completely stuffed by the over supply of sandwiches, thanks to Pow. Everybody survived the sandwich meal. No casualties were reported despite the dubious sources from which the sandwiches were derived. (those with photographs are invited to upload!)

The Pizza Parade!

This time, juniors are invited to join in ( we can come together after our AEP lessons at approximately 6 - 7? If we invite Ms Kee along, then she won't have a reason to say no (: )

Simple Pizza Making Guides:
Get a slice of bread to play base, and start topping! Add pasta sauce/ketchup and cheese to meld everything together. Microwaving optional.

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